That she's on Discovery means she‘s brilliant. Social awkwardness, autism, or any other condition is not a reason to not be on an important ship in the future, or a flagship like Barklay, or any ship for that matter. I celebrate that!
Aw, Saru, you beautiful being! So honest, but still kind of mean.
That Lorca is up to no good is crystal clear.
Blindly following him will not end up well for Landry I suspect. (I don't remember her or anything about her story at all.)
I loved the depiction of time passing by having people fade when Michael is working on the code.
I would like to know what people know about what happened at the binary stars vs. what they have been told. By official channels as well as by eye witnesses like Saru and Detmer. How much do people fill in the gaps with their own imagination?
Mutiny is no small oopsie, it's a heavy crime. So people being cold towards Michael is understandable. But making her responsible for the whole war? What? But we know the whole story, so it's easy for us to not hate her.
As soon as she's back being part of a crew, Michael's mood is up, she smiles and is friendly. She's found hope again. Go Michael!
Also no English subtitles on the P+ website.
E04 The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry
Yes to "You judge the creature by its appearance, and by one single incident from its past. Nothing in its biology suggests it would attack, except in self-defense. Commander, this creature is an unknown alien. It can only be what it is, not what you want it to be." It's clear that Michael is also talking about herself.
And that was that with Landry. It's not that I didn't warn her.
Michael is so Vulcan. Doing what is necessary, not what is nice.
Tilly remains wonderful.
Stamets is not such an ass after all.
I'm not liking that I feel pity for Voq. He's a blind follower of T'Kuvma, who actually started the war, and he's not particularly clever. Maybe that's why I feel pity.
L'Rell of the house of spies and deceivers, I don't believe a word you say.
Possessed Saru is frightening.
L'Rell's costume is so cool.
Oh, Saru! You poor frightened thing! No!
I am really really enjoying this season. I'm so glad I'm re-watching. I remember that I liked it the first time around too. But knowing how the story continues makes it so much better this time, because I register all the foreshadowing now.
Holy ish! 😨 I did not see that shot on Owosekun coming.
I like the disruptor effect. And I feel really bad for doing so.
Great speech by Saru. He will make a good captain
The look on Lorca's face when Michael turns herself over! I'm wondering if he actually believes her. But he looks so relieved, and happy.
Fantastic fight scene!
I wonder if we'll see Lorca back in the mycelial network one day.
Stamets and Tilly ❤️
Is it survivor's guilt that makes Michael want to rescue everyone, even when it means to not respect their wishes? The emperor has every right to be as pissed as she is.
The ride through the mycelial network looked so retro. I loved it.
Oopsy moopsy! 😱 They’re too late! Will we have some time travel again? Or how will they remedy that dire war situation? Will L'Rell come to the rescue?
I seriously do not understand all the harsh feelings so many people seem to have towards Disco. It's Star Trek through and through. You just need to watch it.
This show is about Michael discovering who she is. It's about the inner workings of our crew much more than it is about external things. Therefore it may not be what we were used to see in Star Trek. But it is still very much what Star Trek has always been.
This season was really good. Especially considering the chaos behind the scenes.
Good bookends all around I think.
A few questions remain though. E. g. was there something planned with the black badges for season 1, but they dropped it because of all the bts shenanigans? Or was it a well planned tease and always planned for season 2?
Listening to podcasts from 2017/18 is so much fun. Hearing all the speculation when you know how everything turned out to be is such a fun experience.